GoGo Daat Wants Your Input?
"Your Vote Matters!"
"Help us decide with your vote as to which introduction you prefer? Respond with; the Old one or the New one."
Deciding what your channel intro should look like is no easy task. The Intro number one is O.K. and I have used it for awhile now. It does the job as to what our channel is about. The second intro is more current and as I have added oil painting in the first window box (in the right-hand corner) for emphasis as we have painting and drawing tutorials to share.
In both introductions, the four separate videos play inside their individual window box at the same time. Four videos within one video so to speak. At first I thought this might be too busy, but I think it's doable and not too distracting, It kind of fun, I didn't want it to be boring. I love the logo in front of the sun image because the contrast is dynamic.
In case you wanted to know what application I used to make the intro's, I used Keynote by Apple. It's kind of like Powerpoint which I've used in the past, but Keynote has easy to learn animation features, nothing too fancy, just perfect for my needs. I also use CleanPNG to download free images that don't have a background it's very user friendly. I love being able to add video into the animation, the duality is spot on. You can get very creative and the learning curve is not too arduous.
Any suggestions or question you'd like to make on my content would be most welcome. I love getting feedback!
Thank You,
Now GoGo Out and Be Creative!
GoGo Daat
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Please keep it clean and on a positive note, Thank You!